Scholarships and Financial Aid

At Castle Mark School, we understand that every student is unique, and we are committed to ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder access to quality education. Our scholarship and financial aid programs are designed to recognize and support students across various dimensions.

Merit Scholarship

Our Merit Scholarship program aims to acknowledge students who consistently excel in their studies. If you’re always doing great academically, you could qualify. Those who receive this scholarship not only get recognition for their hard work but also receive financial support to help them continue their education.

Need-Based Scholarship

Our Merit Scholarship program aims to acknowledge students who consistently excel in their studies. If you’re always doing great academically, you could qualify. Those who receive this scholarship not only get recognition for their hard work but also receive financial support to help them continue their education.

Talent-Based Scholarship

Our Merit Scholarship program aims to acknowledge students who consistently excel in their studies. If you’re always doing great academically, you could qualify. Those who receive this scholarship not only get recognition for their hard work but also receive financial support to help them continue their education.

Kinship Scholarship

Our Merit Scholarship program aims to acknowledge students who consistently excel in their studies. If you’re always doing great academically, you could qualify. Those who receive this scholarship not only get recognition for their hard work but also receive financial support to help them continue their education.